Tuesday, September 24, 2013

So can I just say I love Chile?
I love Chile.
Okay I am sorry I am such a bad person: Happy birthday Gma & I know Sister Kozaks is coming up or just passed. I am not sure I left my calender in my suitcase on accident. SOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELY LADIES!
Oh btw I tried praying in English. Not possible.
So the 18th was kind of like Chile´s Indepence day. But not really.. They call is Primera Junta Nacionalde Gobierno. Not really even sure what that means. But they party hardy. They get 4 days off of work. Like the entire country shuts down. Its insane. So we got to go to the park thing and buy little prizes. I only bought two things. One for Taylor and one for Mom. But I will buy more sutff later dont worry. I only had 3 dollars on me. It was so much fun. And I ate my first empanda. EW. NASTY. No me gusta empanadas. Like no. But It was cool being able to talk to people and buy things.
Our district is being destroyed and reconstructed with a new district. But our named is still District 2. EL MEJOR.
Elder Cowan and our Brazialans are leaving us. I am so sad. Oh well life goes on.

My Mission President cam to the CCM and spoke to us. He is from Brazil and guess what. I understood everything he said. Guys I understand spanish!!! Feliz día. Anywho I felt like he was a celebrity. He was so sweet and his wife, even sweeter. I love them. love love love. When he came to speak to us at the devotional, he brought like a ton of elders with him. They all knew our names.
Their exact words ¨we have been praying for you and wating for you to come out into the field, we need you.´´
My heart just melted. I am sooooooo excited to go out into the field. Like I want to go now. NOW. NOW. Jk I sitll cant speak Spanish so I am scared.
I cannot believe I only have 2 more weeks left here. AH! Crazy.
Here is spiritual thought I want to leave with you:
I said this on Sunday after I watched on Elder Holland talk-
Be presistant. Remember the name you put on yourself every morning: Jesus Christ. We are His hands on this Earth. We need to be confident, loving, and as bold as He would be.
It doesn´t matter if you are a missionary or a member of the ward or a new convert or whatever. If you belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you are given the responsibility to represent Him. At all times, in all things, and in all places.
I challenge each of you to pick a Christ like attribute and work on it this week. I am working on Obedience. And dang sometimes its hard to follow little silly rules. But I am trying my hardest to be as Christ was.
Want to talk to a friend about religion, here are some quesitons:
Do you believe in Chirst?
Why do you think Christ established a church when he was on the earth?
Would you have attended that church?
Would you attend His church if it was on the Earth today?

Great news! It is and you can attend this Sunday!!!!
You´re welcome. Just helpin when I can.

I love you and want all of you to read the Book of Mormon. It is so awesomeeeeeeeeeee. AWE-SOME. Read it. Like you´ll love it. I just know it.

K. Running oout of time.

I love you and am so happy here. I logged on and had 21 emails so sorry if I didnt respond :( I only have so much time!! But I love you all the same. thank you for everything!
Line of week:
Hermana Gibby dressed up in a really ridiculous outfit and sat on Hermana MacRaes bed and waited for her to get out of the shower.
Hermana MacRae´s response to seeing Hna. Gibby
¨You look like a Lamanite warrior¨
hahahhaha I just love them. Sista forevs.

Les amo! Gracias por sus oracions y por su amor. Yo pienso sobre ustedes cada día. Yo sé que esta iglesia es verdadera y esta iglesia es la iglesia de Jesucristo sobre la teirra hoy.
I love you! till next week!!!

Hermana Upton

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