Monday, October 28, 2013

Woooooot. I have been a missionary for 2 months. I love it here! I never want to leaveee. Like never but with my health issues it looks like it could be a possibility very soon.

Monday: Went to the doctor at the CCM and saw a bucnh of my CCM friends and old techers. And guess what I could talk to them in Spanish. It felt good. And I understand everything now. Thanks for all the prayers. The doctor broke some bad news. I need to see a real doctor and get a bunch of test done. AWESOME. Dont worry for lunhch I ate the greatest sandwich and a giant ice cream cone for a total of 4 dollars. Life is better here in Chile. Things are cheaper and teh ice cream is better. It must have like Chilean love mixed in it. Yeah so the doc gave me some allergy meds and sailn spray. No más. It was a LONG day.

Tuesday: I was feeling pretty gross, but hey there is a work to do. So we went and hung otu with our neighbore Nora. I was suppose to teach her English, but we ended up (and when I say we I mean my comp and Nora) talked about the imporatnce of women in the family. Holllllaah to my mama bear. I talked aobut how great you are. K. So Nora is a closet artist and amazing. She is gorgeous and 6o but looks like she is 40 and is sweet and has a cute little graden and giraffe statues and I loce her. Next we taught a lesson with our investigator Juan Guzam. We taught the restoration. It went well...My spanish was off cus I am sick and yeah it just wasnt as wonderful as I hoped. My main concern is that my investigators come closer to Christ. ONE DAY HE WILL BE BAPTIZED!

Wednesday: yeah since I was sick, basically slept all day and wathced movies about Joseph and Emma Smith. She is MY HERO. Oh and we had districe metting. I love my elders they just laugh at/encourage my spanish J

Thursday: Thought I was going to die. I was so sick. But lukcy we had the doctor. We took a bus and the metro and it took an hour and a half to get me gusta. BUT we ran into our investigador Agostine :) Ahhhhh. When I saw him I shouted across the bus AHHH MI AMOR! Probably not very missionary-like. But he is my best friend so yah. He bought us little posteries for breakfast. It was soooo yummy. If Chile has one thing right is pastries. So went to the doctors. I basically collapsed into the waiting room and then finally got to see the doctor. And guess what! He spoke no english...good thing I speak no Spanish and my comp speaks a total of ¨Hi¨ in english. Anyone who knows me, knows I have a frustration with doctors. Please try to imagine my frustration with one who speaks NO ENGLISH. I was a messs and had a mini break down. Its fine though. Bascially what I gathered from the appointment is that I have an infection in my sinus canal and throat and they dont know what it is. No worries I took a bunch of tests blood work and a cat scan.

Friday: Woke up at te crack of dawn (6 am) to go with my comp to fill out some citizenship papers. She is now an official citizen of Chile. Pretty cool huh :) We got into the city and for a second i felt like I was home in LA. Its gorgeous. Oh and our mission leader dropped off my studies and test results. I am getting them reviewed tomorrow because to me it just looks like a skeleton ahaha.

Saturday: Ate lunch at the Mesa´s I LOVE THEM. They have the cutset story and I will have to tell you it another day. But its adorable and the whole time I was just drooling over pictures of their wedding...trunky? ahah noooo......Oh and they gave us a reference. Scoreeee. Oh and we have two new investigators: Antonia and Juan Carlos. They are awesome. The mom Maria Paz is the twin of Tammy Upton. Its crazy. And she is a member but WAY inactive. No worries though. She is incredible.

Sunday: Pretty chill. Love me some Sundays. We ate lunch at the Bishops house. It ws amazing. They are opening up a shop in their house, oh yeah they do that here. At just about every street, someone has a little drug store or snakc store out of their garage. Its awesome and everything I need is like 5 minutes from the house. And its cheap. Santa Clarita should adopt this. Also since I cant leave the house (doctors orders) we are doing divisions. We are helping the girl who are preparing for missions in our ward. One of them goes out with Hna Marquez to our appointments and the other stays home with me and we watch the district all night. Its awesome.

Ahhh I love my life. Even though this is hard, I love it. I love the people here in Chile and my heart will break if I have to leave. My heart is full and above all I just want to do what my Savior needs me to do. I will keep you posted. I love you all so much. Thank you for your prayers and love!!!! I can feel it all the way over here in skinny old Chile!

Line of the week:
Elder Cannon (elder in our ward): ¨¿Hermana Marquez, comó está su compañera?¨
Hermana Marquez: ¨Morió¨
Elder Cannon: ¨Ahh bueno. Morió.¨

Morió means she died.... No body loves me wahhhhh.
Just kidding Jesus does.

I LOVE YOU ALLLL! Dont worry I am still alive.

Stay strong and keep saying your prayers.
All my love,

Hermana Upton

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